Talk To Me

Sheila C. Johnson Design Center, New York, NY
June 15, 2014

The wearable device used as a medium to talk to people and to bring real connections between me and others. Whoever touches one of Arduino parts will hear mechanical sounds to baby sounds. The closer will hear more human voices like baby sounds, the farther will hear mechanical noises. The reason I used baby sounds is to show pure happiness from being closer, being recognized.

This project was inspired by Prof. Alex Sandy Pentland of MIT Media Lab. 

I remember one of his articles. 

"Fundamentally, what we are is we are social animals. The most important things to us are interactions with other people, the presence of other people, and so when you have a wearable, the wearable is in the middle of that."

Spring 2014

Draft Idea Sketch (2014)

Draft Idea Sketch (2014)

Physical Computing: Arduino, Wave shield, Maxbotix Sonar SensorsObjects: A White Suit for Painting, Stainless Steel, Rubber Gloves, Recycled Headphones

Physical Computing: Arduino, Wave shield, Maxbotix Sonar Sensors
Objects: A White Suit for Painting, Stainless Steel, Rubber Gloves, Recycled Headphones